Both 2020 & 2021 have been extremely rough years for the church. God’s people scattered across the world, but feeling very much alone. Alone in their physical space, often feeling alone in our fears and worries, and often alone in that big decision on whether to get back together. One thing it did do was force us to reevaluate what’s important to us, and how we were going to move forward. Most churches implemented some form of live streaming, and most stepped up their general communication game. I want to offer three ways that you can continue to stay connected, especially with those who have had to make the difficult choice to still stay home. Here we go!
- Having someone man or woman your live streams is a great way to encourage connection, check-ins, and prayer with those who are not able to be with us in person. You have to remind people it’s there and an important option for connection for those who aren’t joining in person at all right now. That allow them to, in a real way, stay interactive in the service going on. You’ll have to teach when are appropriate times to engage, and perhaps use tools that allow you to automatically communicate those things. But, this might help those perpetually online connect to the body digitally.
- We’re going offline for number 2! take out that pad of paper and send people who haven’t returned to church a note to let them know that they are still important to your church and that you’re still thinking of them. As a bonus, if you can fiscally swing it, prepare a book, a bible study, or small group materials that you send to them with this letter and invite them to join you on Zoom or some other digital platform to work through them together.
- Lastly, sticking with that semi low tech options. That super smart computer that’s in your hand… it’s a phone still too. Yup, pick up that bad boy and give someone a call. Even if you don’t call people who can’t make it all the time, try to do it every once and awhile to make sure they know that you are still thinking of them and that you still care. Bonus points, pass out groups of numbers to congregants or leadership and tag team that list so that you don’t get burned out or they don’t think you’re just doing this because “you’re the pastor.”
Are you already doing these? Did we forget one? There are a bunch that we could have added to this list, but this is a great place to start. A church, the body of Christ isn’t really a full body if it’s missing its arm, or foot, or even the pancreas (what does that thing even do anyway 🤷🏻♂️)! Make sure to keep everyone connected.